
Wondering how my reaserches initiated by music loving and my teaching skills could converge, I started years ago to build and gives conférences. Both outside and Inside school. Both about teaching objects and about music. The result is that, by now, I have built about 20 different conférences in the last few years. Some of them can be given in English. All those conferences are build to be interesting for both connoissers and newcomers, and can be adapted to any age group and thus can be adapted to any kind of audience...

The first group consist of what I called in french "confécoutes" ( Conference/Listening session)

A big cycle called The Golden Age of Black Rythms":

-Music and politics in the Great Black Atlantic
-Common roots in the Great Black Atlantic
-Interractions in the Great Black Atlantic
-Lusophone Africa

-Music of Turkey
-Music of Eastern Europe

The other conferences are not about music and do not feature any musical extracts.

-A global history of cartography
-A story of Subsaharian Africa

-The School that will change the world : Universal, Interdisiplinarity, Explicit, Ambitious, Individiulised,
-Teaching Hip Hop Culture at school : Why and How?
-Teaching Littérature in school : Why and How?